Seed Cycling for Regular Periods Protocol

Seed Cycling for Regular Periods Protocol

Seed cycling is a technique that (in addition to food and lifestyle changes), naturally helps your body regulate its sex hormone levels (namely estrogen and progesterone) by alternating different seeds during the two halves of your menstrual cycle. This is very much a “food as medicine” technique, and it is safe to do at any time.

If you have a regular period (a cycle that lasts between 25 & 45 days for the purpose of this protocol), you’ll track your ovulation and switch seed groups after you ovulate and then again when you get your period. There is often a lot of confusion around how to do it for different issues, where to start, and why it’s effective, but this protocol should clear all that up!

This protocol is taught by Certified Women’s Health Coach and Fix Your Period Collective Founder Nicole Jardim.

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With The Fix Your Period Collective

Created by Nicole Jardim, Certified Women’s Health Coach and Author of Fix Your Period

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A first-of-its-kind membership
experience that will give you a clear roadmap to achieving better periods.

Using smart technology and the Fix Your Period proprietary process, your quiz results map out an easy to implement plan to support your hormones and overhaul your menstrual cycle.

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If you’ve ever had an issue with your period but felt overwhelmed by the amount of resources out there that kind of address what you’re experiencing but don’t totally present a real solution then your Personalized Period Dashboard is the place for you! No matter your hormonal issue, you’ll be presented with a completely personalized path to get your hormones working for you, not against you.

You’ll start your journey by taking our patented Period Quiz (if you haven’t already) to populate your dashboard. From there we’ll calculate your Period Score – think of this as more of a guideline for how you’re doing versus a grade on a test – and then you’ll get access to targeted solutions to help you address each of your cycle symptoms.

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