Introduction to the Fertility Awareness Method Protocol

Introduction to the Fertility Awareness Method Protocol

The Fertility Awareness Method (FAM for short) is an incredible way to track your cycle in detail, monitor overall reproductive health and practice body literacy. FAM can be used to reliably avoid pregnancy (aka “natural birth control”) or to improve chances of getting pregnant.

Fertility awareness methods are based on the cyclical nature of the menstrual cycle and the fact that not all times of the cycle are fertile. They involve tracking and observing the biological signs related to ovulation, which can include the start of menstruation, cervical mucus (or cervical fluid), basal body temperature, the position of the cervix, and hormonal testing.

While there are a variety of methods, this protocol will focus primarily on the symptothermal method.

And no, fertility awareness is not the same as the rhythm or calendar method!

This protocol is taught by Contributing Expert Vienna Farlow, Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner.

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